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Mother's Day: Honoring Nurture

On Sunday we honored mothers, and despite my good intentions of having this blog done at least a few days before the holiday, life got in the way. So a day late is going to have to be good enough. More often than not, I’ve found myself settling for good enough when parenthood throws twists and turns. Since Day 1 of motherhood, I’ve been repeatedly reminded of the need for humility as I am constantly pushed to let go and adjust my expectations. That’s extremely challenging for an Enneagram 1. Things just aren’t going to go like I envision. The unexpected happens. I won’t be as productive as I expect. I’ll be running late more often than I’m comfortable with, and the worst part is, I will fail frequently at being the type of mom that I want to be. If I’m being honest, the worst parts of myself come out in my parenting on a bad day. Then I eat my piece of humble pie, apologize and move on as best that I can.

If you are a mother reading this, perhaps you can relate. If you’re overwhelmed, I want to tell you that I see you, and you’re probably doing better than you think. If you have not yet had the experience of being a mother but long for that, perhaps you would welcome the overwhelm. You would love for the quietness to be filled with laughter, rough housing and chaos. I see you too. As someone who went through my two pregnancies at what is considered “advanced maternal age,” I spent a lot of Mother’s Days with hope deferred. My heart goes out to those who are waiting to be mothers, who struggle with infertility, who have had miscarriages or who have lost a child.  

As we honor the mothers who loved us into being the person that we are today, I am very grateful to have a mother who has not wavered in her unconditional love and support. I know that many people have not been as fortunate. If you are such a person, I hope that you have had at least one woman in your life who loved you, believed in you and encouraged you as you have navigated life’s challenges. Be sure to thank her and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day whether or not she has biological or adopted children. This can be a difficult day for those who grieve not having the mother that they wish they could have had, or the loss of a mother who was everything that they needed. If this is you, be kind to yourself and do something that nurtures your soul.

In closing, mothers represent nurturing through love and life-giving experiences, and we all require mothering. The name of the practice, Nurtured Soul, was very intentionally chosen. Our souls need nurturing throughout our lives, and it’s important that we connect with the people, activities and faith that accomplish that for us. We’re here to support you as you pursue the nurture that you deserve!