
Thanksgiving 2022

It’s late November, and Thanksgiving is upon us. I’ve always found it appropriate that before the holiday season of giving and receiving comes the holiday that focuses on gratitude for what we have, or at least that was the original intent. As the American tradition has evolved, it appears that more and more of the focus is on the gathering...[ read more ]

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

The focus of this month’s blog is of a more serious topic that isn’t often talked about, which is all the more reason to be talking about it: Suicide. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month- a time to raise awareness, break the stigma, share vital information and spread hope to people affected by suicide1. To clarify, people affected by suicide...[ read more ]

Transitions and New Beginnings

The end of July is upon us and with that comes not only lots of heat and humidity here in the South, but also the preparation for a transition to more consistent routines. The more relaxed flow of summer will begin to fade for families with kids as the new beginning of another school year comes and fall sports and...[ read more ]

Mental Health, Gun Violence and PTSD: Where is the Hope?

June 2022 Blog Mental Health, Gun Violence and PTSD: Where is the Hope? May to June: Just this flip of the calendar has always seemed to me like one of the biggest transitions of the year. In May spring is in full bloom, and just like the honeybees, many of our lives are buzzing with activity as the school year...[ read more ]

The Path Towards Growth: Ambivalence, Burnout and Expansion

So it’s been a minute since I posted a blog…almost 9 months in fact. I could come up with many excuses for not writing and could almost always fall back on busyness as an excuse, but I always say that you have time for what you make time for. So why didn’t I make time for writing? Procrastination is an...[ read more ]

Defining Courage: Reflections on Simone Biles and Mental Health

Defining Courage: Reflections on Simone Biles and Mental Health After Simone Biles withdrew from Olympic competition for mental health reasons, I’ve taken some time to digest what she’s stated, and to read the opinions of others. As a mental health professional and as a former gymnast, I have several thoughts. I may not have new perspectives to offer that haven’t...[ read more ]

Re-entry: Navingating Our Comfort Zone

Re-entry: Navigating Our Comfort Zone As the case numbers of COVID-19 continue to decrease as vaccinations increase, the world is opening back up. On May 13, 2021 the CDC updated the public health recommendations by stating that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or social distance in public. For many, this announcement came as a huge relief-...[ read more ]

Spring: The Hope of New Life

Spring: The Hope of New Life Welcome Spring! For me the early signs of spring are always exciting and hopeful. Everything that had died starts to come to life again. Growing up in Indiana, winters were bitter cold, and I remember how I couldn’t wait to be able to go outside without a jacket and climb our crabapple tree, which...[ read more ]

Doorknobs: The Gateway to Connecting

A couple of weeks ago I embraced a home project that involved doorknobs- lots of them, 20 to be exact. We moved into our new home a little over a year ago, and while there’s much that we love about it, the shiny brass doorknobs reminiscent of the ‘80s made it feel less new. I replaced every single one with...[ read more ]

2020: Farewell or Good Riddance?

2020: Farewell or Good Riddance? One more trip around the sun, and the time has come when many reflect upon the previous year and set intentions for the next. When I opened my practice in February of 2018 I intended to begin a blog for my website, but had plenty of excuses for not getting started. Granted, I had a...[ read more ]

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